HomeSwitzerlandRanking of the members of the Swiss Parliament

Ranking of the members of the Swiss Parliament

Which parliamentarians have the greatest influence on legislation and the ability to influence public opinion?

After the top places in 2023 were predominantly occupied by representatives of the political center, it is clear that the left- and right-wing parties are catching up in 2024. While only one representative each from the SP and SVP made it into the top 10 last year, this year already five representatives from other political parties beyond The Center are in the top 10 ranking: Hannes Germann and Thomas Aeschi from the SVP, Carlo Sommaruga and Daniel Jositsch from the SP, and Maya Graf from the Greens.

Although The Center remains the most politically influential party, it only occupies four places in the top 10 in 2024 compared to six in 2023. The FDP, on the other hand, has plummeted, with only five members making it into the top 30 in 2024 (compared to 11 in 2023). This has largely benefitted the SP, which now occupies second place among the parties.

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Over 50 new members were elected to Parliament in 2023. After the first year, it is clear that only a few of them have been able to make a name for themselves in politics: Roger Golay from the Mouvement Citoyens Genevois, the best-placed new member in the ranking of political influence, only managed 150th place out of 246. In the public influence ranking, however, there are a few outliers, including the Zurich SP National Councilor Anna Rosenwasser. The well-known activist joined in 20th place.

Every Federal Council party has its top shot

Most people are probably aware that there are backbenchers in every party. However, the Influence Index 2024 shows that there is a top shot in every Federal Council party. Top shots are ranked in the top 20 for both political and public influence. In the SP, this honor goes to Daniel Jositsch, a member of the Council of States, who is ranked 4th for public influence and 8th for political influence. In the Center Party, the title of top shot goes to party president Gerhard Pfister, who wins the 2024 public ranking and comes in a very strong 11th place in terms of political influence. Lucerne Councilor of States Damian Müller is considered the most influential FDP politician. With 6th place in the political influence ranking and 19th place in the public influence ranking, he is the only FDP politician to narrowly fulfil the criteria. The SVP with parliamentary group president Thomas Aeschi also took their top shot. With 2nd place in political influence and 5th place in the public influence ranking, he is the best-placed politician overall from both chambers.

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